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Welcome to Porto Sisi

Porto Sisi Porto Sisi is a small apart-hotel, situated on the sea in the quiet place of Sisi in Crete, ideal for individual travelers. You can enjoy your holidays even without a car, as everything you need is within reasonable reach.?? ???t? S?s? e??a? ??a µ???? ?e??d??e?? µe d?aµe??sµata, p?? ß??s?eta? se ??a ?s??? µ???? p??? st? ???assa, ?da???? ??a a?e???t?t??? ep?s??pte?. ?p??e?te ?a ap??a?sete t?? d?a??p?? sa? a??µa ?a? ????? a?t?????t? epe?d? ?t? ??e???este e??a? s?et??? p??? ???t?.